My Fruitive Challenge: Day Three — Low Energy Day

I felt really low energy by 6:00 pm today. I realized I’m averaging 1,300 calories not including calories burned off from exercise. I’m going to think about how to improve that. Gregg recommends that I eat a big breakfast tomorrow morning.

I’ve been using My Fitness Pal to track my calories, nutrition, water consumption, weight, and exercise each day. It’s not required for me to do this for my diet, but I enjoy the routine and find the data very helpful. Okay. Feeling low energy by 6:00 pm. I realized I’m averaging 1,300 calories not including exercise burn off. I’m going to think about how to improve that.

I missed my morning brush-floss time because I ate breakfast in the car then forgot about my check list commitment to brush teeth and floss every morning to build up good dental hygiene habits. Atomic Habits gave me a good idea to make new good habits easy and obvious to achieve. 

I’ll plan to keep a second dental kit in my car to remind me the next time I eat on the run. 

I’m proud of myself for not being rude to myself for forgetting today. 

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