My Fruitive Challenge: Day Four — Atomic Habits

 I’m impressed with James Clear’s Atomic Habits! It’s core message is that consistent quality incremental changes each day to improve myself in each area of my life will increase the likelihood of compounding success. 

The author has inspired me several times with inspiring stories, tricks, and tips to exchanging bad habits for good ones. I can tell this has been true for me this week as I have continued my new Fruitive Challenge journey eating healthy food. 

Hear are key points from the first half of the book that I’ve jotted down this week:

  • Focus on quality systems that will support my end goals because having quality goals isn’t enough if I don’t have a Quality system in place to get me there
  • I like the example of struggling to keep a clean house. Instead of scrambling to clear the clutter the day before guests arrive, create a system you can live by that diminishes the need to deep clean
  • Include Happiness in your system setup instead of relying on goal achievement to become truly fulfilled 
  • Rethink your identity not as a carnivore taking a break from meat: I am a healthy eater! What do healthy eaters eat? Well, that’s what I eat too! So I must be a healthy eater! 

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