My Fruitive Challenge: Day 16 — Data Driven
Over the holidays last Christmas, I reached 255 lbs.
More than that according to the doctor’s weight scale. (I hate the doctor’s weight scale. I’m dressed for goodness sake.)
For my New Year’s resolution and with much encouragement from my dad, I put time and effort into a spreadsheet at the beginning of the year to schedule a weight loss goal of 2 lbs a week over 52 weeks to get close to my recommended BMI weight (Yes, I know BMI is a poor standard to go by, but who am I kidding, reaching 160 lbs. is ridiculous to think possible from where I’m sitting.)
I failed quickly at my New Year’s resolution diet plan, as I suspected I would considerably how I fail all my diets every year and have done for decades.
I lost no more than 2.8 pounds.
Fast forward to my Fruitive Challenge: it’s been two weeks since I started it on May 1st and I’ve lost over 12 pounds!
I’m getting my hope back!
In 2021 I got as low as 235 lbs.
I’m confident I can pass that in the next week. After that my next major milestone to beat is 225 lbs because that’s the weight that scared me into starting my first serious weight loss workout about a decade ago. That’s a summer when I lost 25 lbs and was very proud of myself until I gained it back and then some over the school year. (Teachers are constantly bombarded with dessert treats in the teachers’ lounge!)
One day at a time. I’ll get there.