My Fruitive Challenge: Day 27 — Conversation Starter

 After the Memorial Day parade  we hung out at a friends house with a few other guests of theirs. The conversation was fun. When we got into restaurants I couldn’t help but bring up my diet. I think I may have made the hosts self-conscious that I didn’t have much to snack on. In hindsight I should have read the room better and kept it to myself. Not a big deal; it just wasn’t the conversation fuel that I had hoped it would be. Good to know!

Today I added a set of body measurements to MyFitness Pal app. I’m disappointed that my numbers haven’t budged much even though three weeks have passed since my last measurements! 

  • No loss in my neck, chest, and waist 
  • No loss in my upper arms, calves, and ankles
On the bright side:
  • -.5” from my hips 
  • -1.7” from my forearms 
  • -5.5” from my thighs!

I remember Noom teaching me to track my daily weight but to spread out body measurements because it takes time to see significant change there for many people. 

Okay. I’ll weight. I’ve got time.

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