My Fruitive Challenge: Day Five — A Self Righteous Bore
Conan O’Brian: I made this terrible mistake. Someone had mentioned food and what they eat and I said, “Well, what I do now is I two meals a day. I have like a shake at eleven and I put a lot of spinach in it. Then I try to have a meal early like at five.” As I’m finishing saying it, I see Marty staring at me the way a shark stares at a canned ham. And he looks at me and he says, “You know, when other people discuss the details of their diet, … it’s boring. But not YOU!…
Steve: My wife has a very wise [thing] about talking about what you’re allowed to eat. She says, “You’re allowed to talk about what you do eat, but you’re not allowed to talk about what you don’t eat.”
Conan: That’s very good!…
Marty: That’s very good…It’s like with me beans. I - Don’t - Eat - Beans!
-Conan O’Brian, Steve Martin, and Martin Short, Aug 21, 2013
I laughed when I heard this anecdote because I think about diet and nutrition constantly and will talk about it with anyone. Maybe I’ll keep my dietary habits closer to the chest from now on. At least I’ll let others bring it up if they notice.
My wife joked that I also better watch out for self righteous attitudes!
She has always been conscientious about providing our family with healthy balanced meals, so yes I had better keep a low profile about not finding anything in the fridge or pantry that I can eat because of my WFPB SOS-Free diet over the next two months.