My Fruitive Challenge: Day 143 — Fasting Update

 Well, I tried intermittent fasting this past week. I’m still not a fan of it. I think it was helpful though! Last week Friday I stopped eating after 6:00 pm. The next morning I skipped breakfast, which wasn’t that big a deal because of sleeping in. I took my daughter to soccer practice with a healthy snack bag all ready for us at 10:00 am to eat in the car. 16 hours of fasting accomplished, no problem!

I had a pretty big lunch and dinner plus healthy dessert. I made the rest of the day that put me at 10:45 PM my last time eating for the day. I figured that I’d give 16 hours another try anyway. After church, I ran errands and broke my fast when I got home again, no problem!

However, on day three of my fasting experiment, I was not doing too well. I felt famished, slow and groggy all day, which hurt my productivity even after my meals I felt like I wasn’t recovered from a weekend of fasting intermittently.

The rest of the week I ditched the 16+ hour plan. I would do it again when I know I’m not going to be stuck behind my desk most of the day doing paperwork. I think Saturday and Sunday being active was a good Distraction from my fasting protocol. Being inactive on Monday seem to amplify my Withdrawal symptoms. It’s not really a scientific study of what happened to me, but I’m going with it.

My brother sent me an article saying that those research that shows that the benefits of intermittent fasting is less about the fasting and more about the lower calorie intake. On YouTube, I ran across a nutritionist who said something similar to that. 

Perhaps they are right; perhaps they’re not right.

I’m happy with the rest of the week’s Fasting schedule. Just 12 hours like I had done, at the beginning of my diet in May. I think I’ll keep doing and also lowering my calorie count.

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