My Fruitive Challenge: Day 128 — Rare and Appropriate

 As Penn gets closer to his goal weight, he and his health coach negotiate how he’ll adjust his diet to sustain his weight. Part of Penn’s planning is determining when and how he would stray from his WFPB diet:

ChatGPT summary of this is

“ Penn Jillette's *Rare and Appropriate* guideline refers to his philosophy of occasionally straying from his strict whole-food, plant-based (WFPB) diet in a controlled and mindful way. After achieving his weight loss goals and transitioning to maintenance, Jillette developed this approach to allow for flexibility without derailing his progress. 

The idea is that indulgences should be **rare**—not part of a regular routine—and **appropriate**—meaning these moments should be special, intentional, and truly worth it. For Jillette, this wasn’t about giving himself regular cheat days or allowing for random indulgences. Instead, he made sure that when he did go off-plan, it was for a meaningful occasion, such as a special celebration or a rare dining experience, not just because of a craving or convenience.

The “appropriate” part of the guideline also meant that these indulgences would be high-quality and something he deeply enjoyed, rather than mindless or impulsive eating. For example, he would choose a dish from a high-end restaurant or a beloved family meal that brought joy, as opposed to indulging in fast food or processed junk.

By following this framework, Jillette was able to maintain his weight and health goals without feeling deprived but still holding onto the discipline that helped him succeed in the first place. This approach reflects a balance between enjoying life’s pleasures and sticking to a health-conscious, disciplined way of eating.”

Well, this version of Penn’s Rare and Appropriate guideline is cleaned up a bit. He started with the rule that every other week he would drop his restrictions altogether on the condition that 

  1. Two weeks have passed since his last R&A event
  2. Someone invites him to dinner at a quality restaurant 
  3. They’re paying the bill knowing he’s going to eat like a pig
Later he added the following allowance for R&A
  • Kids’ birthdays
  • National Holidays 

ChatGPT clarifies this further:

“ In addition to the initial *Rare and Appropriate* (R&A) rules that Penn Jillette established for himself, where he allowed an indulgence every other week under specific conditions—such as being invited to a quality restaurant where someone else was paying the bill—he later expanded his R&A guidelines to include:

1. **Kids' Birthdays**: He allowed himself to indulge on special occasions like his children's birthdays, where sharing in celebratory meals became an important part of family life.

  2. **National Holidays**: Penn also allowed himself to indulge on major national holidays, such as Thanksgiving or Christmas, recognizing that these are often times when food is a central part of the celebration.

Beyond these, other rules he implemented included:

3. **The Quality of the Experience**: The event had to be *worth it* in terms of food quality and occasion. He wouldn’t waste an R&A event on low-quality or overly processed food. The meal had to be something special, like a dish from a highly rated restaurant or an event that held personal significance.

4. **Frequency Control**: While the original rule was to indulge no more than every two weeks, this was tightly controlled to ensure that he didn’t slip into more frequent indulgences. He kept a clear boundary to avoid returning to unhealthy habits.

5. **No Solo Indulgence**: Penn made sure that R&A events were always social, occurring in the context of sharing a meal with others. He avoided indulging alone or in secret, ensuring that his rare indulgences remained part of a shared and meaningful experience.

6. **Return to the Diet Immediately**: After each R&A event, he committed to going back to his strict WFPB diet right away. There was no lingering over indulgent foods or letting one cheat day turn into several.

These rules helped Jillette maintain balance, allowing for occasional indulgence without compromising the overall health benefits of his diet. His R&A framework emphasizes control, intention, and mindfulness around food, keeping indulgences as rare but satisfying exceptions rather than a return to old habits.”

I like this standard very much.

I might adapt for my own after I complete my Fruitive Challenge in May 2015.

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