My Fruitive Challenge: Day 129 — Growth Mindset

 I’m teaching myself and my children the concept of growth mindset. A child psychologist recommended that I do that to foster a culture of confidence: 

“Having a growth mindset means believing that you can get better at anything if you keep trying, even when it’s hard. It’s like when you’re learning to ride a bike—at first, you might fall a lot, but if you keep practicing, you get better and better. The same goes for school, sports, or any new challenge. Instead of saying, ‘I can’t do this,’ you can say, ‘I can’t do this yet, but I will keep trying until I can!’ Mistakes are okay because they help you learn and grow stronger.” —ChatGPT

Here’s the list of key Growth Mindset concepts that I want my family to become familiar with enough this school year that we can include in our discussions about school, home, and life:

1. Believing You Can Get Better: Knowing that you can get better at anything if you keep practicing and learning.

2. Liking Challenges: Seeing hard things as fun chances to learn, not as problems to run away from.

3. Not Giving Up: Keep trying, even when it’s tough. When you don’t succeed right away, try again in a new way.

4. Learning from Advice: When someone helps you by pointing out what you can do better, use that advice to improve.

5. Being Inspired by Others: When you see someone else do something great, let it encourage you to get better too, instead of feeling bad about yourself.

6. Working Hard: Understanding that putting in effort helps you get better and is important for success.

7. Learning from Mistakes: Seeing mistakes as ways to figure out what you need to work on, and getting better from them.

8. Enjoying Learning: Focusing on learning new things and getting better, not just on winning or getting good grades.

9. Bouncing Back: If something doesn’t go well, don’t let it stop you. Use it as a way to get stronger.

10. Positive Thinking: Remind yourself that you can always get better with practice and that not being good at something now doesn’t mean you won’t be later.

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