My Fruitive Challenge: Day 132 — No Exercise

 Raymond Cronise’s No Exercise rule was an important part of Penn Jillette’s quick and successful weight loss program. It’s another unconventional rule in Penn’s book that rings true to me. Penn explains that exercise increases your appetite which increases your food intake which builds up muscle mass which slows down your weight loss. Walking, however, is an exception to the rule because it helps to keep your blood flowing and your digestion working smoothly. 

I’ve been struggling getting to my next weight goal. I’ve been hovering between 212 and 215 for three weeks now. Before that I hovered between 225 and 220 for 6 weeks. I blogged before that I think it’s because of my over consumption of peanuts, cashews, nut butters, date bars, etc. So delicious! But those fatty-goodness nuggets are slowing me down! 

I’m going to restrict myself to a handful a day of peanuts, cut out the nut butter, and maybe go back to logging every meal in MyFitnessPal to track my calories like I did the first three months of my diet.

No exercise? Well, I’m not keeping up with my exercise goals anyway since the school season started. I’ll at least get back on track with my step goals.

By the way, I’m very interested in reading Cronise’s book The Healthspan Solution to see how unorthodox he is up close.

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