
Showing posts from June, 2024

My Fruitive Challenge: Day 57 — Catered Vegan!

 Today I got to eat professionally catered vegan cuisine with added salt, oil, and sugar! I loved it! Especially the portobello steaks. Sooo good and so worth the wait!

My Fruitive Challenge: Day 56 — Rich Roll

 In the autobiography Finding Ultra , Rich Roll recounts how large and unfinished he was at 208 lbs. Wow! Initially, I hadn’t started my first diet and exercise program until I had reached 225 lbs many years ago. At the time, I was so embarrassed that I had let myself go that much. It was summer vacation and I was motivated! And my weight dropped to 199 lbs. Years later, I reached 255 lbs. I’m so grateful that my WFPB diet has helped me to drop so many pounds in a short two months. I’m nearly back to 225! Then into 208 lbs!

My Fruitive Challenge: Day 55 — SOS Days Are Here!

We have our big 4-day family reunion this week! I’m really looking forward to seeing everyone come together again.  I set up my checklist this morning to stay under 2,500 calories each day this week, to eat WFPB SOS-Free each day with the exception of catered vegan meals at the reunion.  I’m looking forward to it!

My Fruitive Challenge: Day 54 — Too Small for My Britches

I surprised myself with a delicious soupy salad dinner bowl that I threw together. I think the secret ingredient was just the right amount of chopped habanero pepper. It’s an ugly hodgepodge meal, but amazing (to me)! (Yes, just two strawberries seem arbitrary. It was. But worth it! The corn on the cob was air fried at 400 degrees for 7 minutes, then cut off the cob and tossed into my salad mix. Also, the miso paste was mixed with a cup of hot water then added to my salad to make it a soupy-salad.)  By the way, I think I’m ready to throw away my XXL T-shirts and khaki trousers. I feel like a clown wearing them. I’ll at least take a picture with them on for the record. Gregg says to keep at least one pair to show people what I used to wear.  I bought new Large-sized T-shirts (I took a chance and skipped the XL size!). One brand fit me just right; another brand was a snug fit; I look forward to wearing them some day soon!  Bonus Meal of the Day Recipe for my PB2 Performance Protein Shake

My Fruitive Challenge: Day 53 — New Additions

 I ate well today. I tried raw mushrooms (mini bella) in my salad for the first time since I began my diet. I prefer them cooked. Next time I’ll try air frying instead. I bought an eggplant for the first time in decades. I’ll have to look up want to do with it. Also, I really enjoyed eating sweet medjool dates covered in coconuts! I also bought dried figs imported from Turkey that I look forward to snacking on.  I started reading Ultra yesterday. It’s really good. I motivated me to pick up my jogging pace to beat my time

My Fruitive Challenge: Day 52 — Weigh-ving Goodbye

 I dropped to 227.2 this morning after getting stuck between 228 and 230 for a few days. I’m getting very close to my next two significant milestones of 225 and 223. It’s always nice to pass old weight scale numbers (on the way down this time).

My Fruitive Challenge: Day 51 — Food Rules

 Yesterday, the library took back my audiobook loan of How Not to Die. I was disappointed, but I found a very good, though short, audiobook that I enjoyed and recommend: Food Rules: An Eater’s Manual by journalist Michael Pollan. It’s really short at 1 hr 20 min including the introduction. I heard it in a day. Have you listened to that one? It’s a collection of sagely truisms about food and health that Pollan collected from regular folks who had inherited it from their parents, grandparents, and community. Highly recommend.

My Fruitive Challenge: Day 50 — YMCA

 My wife reactivated our lapsed Y membership today. We haven’t been there since the COVID Lockdown in the spring of 2020. Four years later we’re very ready to have access to the pool this hot June. My favorite perk is the hot tub after a workout with weights and treadmill. Laura prefers a good swim. I also made time to play on the PlayStation with my kids. I see they have added a pickleball court and new exercise equipment. I might check a trainer this time around.  Also, my new digital food scale arrived!

My Fruitive Challenge: Day 49 — Resting Heart Rate

 My new weighted vest came in yesterday! I have ten 5 lb weights that fit into the vest. Very heavy! I wore 40 lbs of weight today while I mowed grass. It definitely worked me out! I checked my heart rate a number of times to be sure I’m being safe in this high heat. If works great! This got me thinking more about my pulse. I haven’t checked in a long while. It’s looking good!

My Fruitive Challenge: Day 48 — Sodium Levels

  My Apple Health app quotes the Mayo Clinic regarding Sodium: “Sodium helps maintain the right balance of fluids in your body, helps transmit nerve impulses, and influences muscle contraction and relaxation. Your kidneys naturally balance the amount of sodium stored in your body to maintain optimal health. When your body sodium is low, your kidneys hold on to sodium. When body sodium is high, your kidneys excrete the excess in urine. Most adults consume much more sodium than is needed. It's found in many prepared and processed foods, including prepared dinners, cold cuts and bacon, soups, condiments, and fast foods. In addition, many recipes call for salt, and many people also salt their food at the table.” I’ve worrying about sodium the past couple of days because the temperature has been in the high 80s and 90s and I’ve sweating profusely working outdoors.  I checked with ChatGPT about recommended sources of sodium for someone on a WFPB SOS-free diet. Usually people get their s

My Fruitive Challenge: Day 47 — The Color of Urine

Me:  I heard that if my urine is clear that I am probably over hydrated and losing electrolytes. If it is a dark yellow like apple juice then I’m not drinking enough and am likely dehydrated. If it has a hint of yellow and not perfectly see through and not too dark then you are likely perfectly hydrated and are getting enough electrolytes as well. ChatGPT You're on the right track with those observations. The color of your urine can be a helpful indicator of your hydration status and to some extent, electrolyte balance: 1. **Clear Urine**: If your urine is consistently clear, it might indicate that you're drinking more water than your body needs. While it's generally good to stay hydrated, excessively clear urine can sometimes mean that you're overhydrated. This condition, known as hyponatremia, occurs when the sodium levels in your blood are unusually low, which can happen if you're drinking a lot of water without replenishing electrolytes. 2. **Dark Yellow Urine**

My Fruitive Challenge: Day 46 — Feeding Kids

 In the book ADHD 2.0 the authors Edward M. Hallowell and John J. Rated provide several recommendations for managing ADHD, including dietary advice (as summarized by ChatGPT): Protein-Rich Foods: Foods like lean meat, fish, eggs, dairy, nuts, and legumes are emphasized. Protein is crucial for brain function and can help with the synthesis of neurotransmitters like dopamine, which plays a key role in attention and focus. Complex Carbohydrates: Including complex carbs such as whole grains, fruits, and vegetables in meals, especially during dinner, can aid in better sleep. Good sleep is particularly important for managing ADHD symptoms. Omega-3 Fatty Acids: The authors highlight the importance of omega-3 fatty acids, which can be found in fish like salmon and sardines, as well as in flax seeds and walnuts. Omega-3s are important for brain health and have been shown to help improve attention and reduce hyperactivity and impulsivity. Limiting Sugar and Artificial Additives: They advise l

My Fruitive Challenge: Day 45 — The Other Aisles

My 8-year-old and I walked up and down grocery aisles of a store I haven’t been in for awhile. I estimate that 99.9% of everything outside of the produce section was not eligible for me to eat. Wow. That was a sad thought for me. Not because I wanted to eat anything, but because I had never given it much thought before my diet how much I should question the value of my health.  My daughter and I took much more time than expected trying to find a container of no salt peanuts without oil and sugar. I nearly gave up and settled on raw cashews which aren’t a bad purchase, but not what I came for.  I finally found mixed nuts that I could buy.

My Fruitive Challenge: Day 44 — Peanut Power!

 My SOS- Free plant based protein shake was amazing! (Laura thought it tasted gross) This will help boost up my protein deficit when needed, and help alleviate my concerns about losing muscle mass. It was literally the only brand and product of the many plant-based protein powder offerings on the Meijer shelves that had zero added salt, oil, or sugar. Just peanut protein. 

My Fruitive Challenge: Day 43 — Family Fun Time

 In the new Steve! (Martin) documentary on Apple TV+, I was inspired by Steve’s story of visiting his girlfriend’s family for the first time and discovering their amazing warmth and hospitality and vibrant dinner discussions about the arts and their many other interests.  That’s what I want in my family! I’m going to find a way to incorporate more laughter and interesting conversations with my kids during meal times. Stay tuned.

My Fruitive Challenge: Day 42 — Cerebellum Training with Balancing Exercises

 In ADHD 2.0, Hallowell prescribes a physical fitness regimen to help regulate the problem of inattention and anxiety. I asked ChatGPT to list the exercises for me to do with my kids.  Me : In chapter 3 of ADHD 2.0, Edward M. Hallowell M.D. recommends Balancing Exercises for 30 minutes every day for cerebellum training to treat ADHD symptoms. Write out the list that Hallowell prescribes  ChatGPT: Here’s a list of balancing exercises that Edward M. Hallowell, M.D. prescribes for cerebellum training to treat ADHD symptoms, as outlined in Chapter 3 of **ADHD 2.0**: 1. **Walking on a Balance Beam**:    - Walk forward and backward on a balance beam or a straight line on the floor.    - Try with eyes open and then eyes closed. 2. **Standing on One Foot**:    - Balance on one foot, switch to the other foot.    - Progress to balancing with eyes closed. 3. **Standing on One Foot on an Unstable Surface**:    - Use a pillow, balance pad, or a Bosu ball. 4. **Hopping on One Foot**:    - Hop in pla

My Fruitive Challenge: Day 41 — Nutrition Adjustment

  Since I reached another 5 lbs weight loss goal today, I chatted with ChatGPT this morning to update my daily nutrition goals: Me: I’m tracking my weight and nutrition in MyFitnessPal. I weigh 229.6 lbs. I lost 22 lbs since my WFPB SOS-Free diet started on May 1st. My goal is to get to my BMI weight level. While toning my body with exercise. I don’t want to look skinny and frail. I have a number of advice questions. Here are the default settings in the app. What would nutrition and fitness people suggest for my settings. ChatGPT: Looking at your current MyFitnessPal settings, here are a few adjustments and suggestions based on expert advice: ### Current Settings - **Calories**: 1970 - **Carbohydrates**: 246g (50%) - **Protein**: 99g (20%) - **Fat**: 66g (30%) ### Suggested Adjustments 1. **Calories**:    - Your current calorie goal of 1970 seems reasonable for a moderate weight loss pace. You can adjust this if needed based on your weekly weight loss progress. Aim for a 500-750 calori

My Fruitive Challenge: Day 40 — Turtle Tumble

 I captured a turtle walking around the yard and took down an hill in a wheelbarrow to get it to a pond. Unfortunately I slipped and took a tumble on the way down. No injuries but to my pride. The turtle was fine. He just waited in the wheelbarrow for me to recover.  It was quite a workout going down then up the steep hill. I honestly could not have done it safely had I tried even a month ago. My physical daily discipline including my steps, yard work, exercise and jogging has added up quite a bit even though I’ve got a long way to go! (About 8 more lbs until I cross from a Class 2 severe obesity category on the BMI to a Class 1 moderate obesity category.)  I had to go back down the hill to locate and fetch my phone that had fallen out! ChatGPT Summary of BMI The Body Mass Index (BMI) is still widely used as a screening tool in medical and health contexts, but its efficacy and appropriateness as a sole measure of optimal health have come under increasing scrutiny. Here are some key poi

My Fruitive Challenge: Day 39 — Family Get-together

 I attended an open house today. (My 7-year-old said later that she really enjoyed the Out House!) I had a feeling there wouldn’t be food for me to eat, so I ate fruit on the way. My daughter was happy to eat pulled pork sandwiches, chips, and cake.  The mom of the graduate told me about the success she’s had using Wegovy with very little negative side effects. She had lost 70 lbs already. I had looked into it but my insurance wouldn’t cover it for me. In hindsight I am very glad that I chose to eat healthy as my weight loss program. I hear that over time Wegovy and Ozempic have diminishing returns and one’s appetite cones roaring back with a vengeance. I hope that’s not the case! My sister has been working several hours yesterday and today helping to prepare our parents’ home for the biannual family reunion. I invited her and her family to join us for dinner. I cooked turkey burgers and Beyond Beef Burgers. I was content to watch everyone enjoy their meal while I too enjoyed my WFPB r

My Fruitive Challenge: Day 38 — Out With Friends

 A group of us reunited tonight at a favorite sports bar of ours. It was nice to hear compliments the my clothes were looking a bit loose on me. They ordered some great looking cheesy bread to share and other foods while I stuck to ordering a lemon with my water and a house salad without croutons. My friend asked the server to get me a new salad when he saw me picking off grated cheese sprinkled over everything. He pointed out that the menu didn’t mention cheese. Good friend!

My Fruitive Challenge: Day 37 — How Not To Die

 I started listening to How Not To Die by Michael Greger MD. I’m only 37 minutes into, but I’m already inspired to keep up my Fruitive Challenge progress of eating a Whole Foods Plant Based Diet for the long term and potentially for good. The stats he cites regarding the low percentage of doctors who ever took a nutrition course or even attempt to have a healthy diet, the lack of medical schools who require nutrition education, the mortality rates of people on a carnivorous and omnivorous diet compared to a WFPB diet, even the significant increase in mortality amongst former vegans who then switched to eating meat just once a week. I am grateful for my newfound path to health.  At some point I will read books and articles and watch videos of experts who take an opposing position.

My Fruitive Challenge: Day 36 — Mobility Training

I’v been enjoying Roger Frampton’s mobility training clips on TikTok. He’s a professional stretch instructor for strength and conditioning your muscles to support you in old age. Ten minutes a day of various stretching exercises is all it takes to be able to touch my toes with ease someday Hopefully sooner than never. I’m starting this as a discipline to add to my healthy habits checklist. Maybe in time I will do the splits!

My Fruitive Challenge: Day 35 — Beans

 I reached my protein goal today, no problem! The secret? For lunch I included black beans that I had thoroughly cooked yesterday on the stove. For dinner I included a cup of Large Lima beans that I prepared in a crockpot today. I’m definitely using the crockpot again to prepare my beans! It’s much easier than babysitting a pot on the stove. I had low energy much of the day until I remembered I didn’t drink coffee. I’m trying to wean myself off but not cold turkey. A cup made a huge difference to my energy levels. Fiber Fueled recommends a cup or two black each day for health benefits (and caffeine for those who thrive on it), but recommends green tea as an excellent alternative.  I’m mostly interested in dropping coffee because I read it’s less harsh on singers’ vocal cords. I’m preparing for a musical in August. I’ll try green tea tomorrow. 

My Fruitive Challenge: Day 34 — Protein

 I joined a bunch of Facebook vegan and plant-based groups to learn more about people’s experiences with healthy eating. A lot of people say it’s common for non-vegans to ask, often judgmentally, where they get their protein.  This got me thinking where I get my protein. Well primarily from the following: Legumes Black beans Lentils (red, green, brown) Peanuts Peas Nuts (unsalted, raw or dry roasted): Almonds Brazil nuts Cashews Pecans Walnuts Vegetables Broccoli  Kale Spinach Sweet corn Whole Grains Brown rice Oatmeal Unfortunately, I’m falling way short of my minimum goal of between 130 and 240 grams. ChatGPT has a more thorough list of protein rich WFPB items to add to my grocery cart: 1. Beans and Legumes: • Black beans • Chickpeas • Edamame • Kidney beans • Lentils (red, green, brown) • Peas • Pinto beans 2. Nuts (unsalted, raw or dry roasted): • Almonds • Brazil nuts • Cashews • Pecans • Walnuts 3. Non-Dairy Milk (unsweetened, witho

My Fruitive Challenge: Day 33 — Vegan Cake!

My 12 year old announced today that she was going to bake me a very special WFPB cake from scratch as an early Father’s Day present. She spent a few hours getting the ingredients together, preparing the batter, babysitting the baking, and making the vegan frosting. The cake was amazing!  In hindsight, a couple of her ingredients she listed aren’t WFPB (baking soda, baking powder). At least my slice was modest. Regardless, I’m very impressed!  The younger girls definitely didn’t approve of the healthy frosting. They preferred their store-bought chocolate frosting. Mine was plenty sweet!

My Fruitive Challenge: Day 32 — Why it Works

 My brother asked me why my WFPB SOS-Free diet is working so well for me. Here’s a list of reasons: I need to be healthy for my family and myself  I find that a checklist approach is motivating and helpful for me to stay focused on achieving my health milestones I aim to please my health coach with a good report each day I’m truly feeling healthy like I haven’t felt in a very long time!