My Fruitive Challenge: Day 113 — The Marshmallow Experiment

 In Penn Jillette’s Presto!, he references the famous Stanford marshmallow experiment done in the 60s and 70s by Walter Mischel. I’m familiar with it because I used to talk about it with my high school students. The result of the experiment is that students who ate the marshmallow instead of waiting were less successful in life. I remember follow up experiments indicated that impulsive students who were given a strategy to control their impulsive behavior increased their success rate.

I like Penn’s take on himself neither as being impulsive (he’s very disciplined) nor as tricking himself from eating the marshmallow. He’d be the one staring at it daring it to tempt him; he’d even put his mouth and tongue all over it without touching it.

I think I relate to all three: impulsive, disciplined, and on the edge. 

Honestly, he and I have lived recklessly when it comes to controlling our appetite our entire lives. At least now we’re focusing on getting back to health.

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