My Fruitive Challenge: Day 112 — What the Health on Protein

 I’ve been watching the documentary what the hell Health I’m Netflix. It’s pretty disturbing. It’s an exposé on how much money big Meat and Dairy pour into lobbying Congress to protect them from lawsuits from people dying of heart disease. The evidence is very convincing that medical ethical standards have been seriously corrupted to accommodate the propaganda that meat and dairy are healthy for us.

I’m open to reading pushback about the documentary, but considering how much healthier I look and feel after just three and a half months of my WFPB SOS-free lifestyle, I would have to be hard-pressed to change my opinion!

Quotes on Protein from What the Health
  • Greens, beans, vegetables are loaded with protein
  • All protein is initially made by plants. All of it. And it is not necessary to eat animal tissue in order to get protein. Only plants have the ability to actually take nitrogen from the air, break those molecules apart, and incorporate that nitrogen into amino acids and then make protein. Any protein you get from an animal is simply recycled protein.
  • Plant protein has a much better effect on our physiology
  • Most Americans get more than twice the amount of protein they need; most Americans get less than half the amount of fiber they need
  • No one ever sees a doctor because of protein deficiency if they're eating normal amounts of calories
  • Human milk designed by the evolutionary process for ages has the perfect protein content for babies and happens to have the lowest protein content in the animal Kingdom [Milk, protein per 100 g human 1 g, rat 9 g, gorilla 1.4 g, Donkey 1.8 g, cow 3.6 g, cat 9 g ]
  • Bodybuilders claimed they need all this extra protein, but that's all nonsense. The largest strongest animals on the planet are all herbivores.
  • When switching to a plant-based diet, the results are dramatically better overall vitamins, and minerals Go up. People needlessly worry if they would get the nutrition they need on Plan Based diet. The reality is they're not getting the nutrition they need on a meat-based diet.

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