My Fruitive Challenge: Day 75 — Farm Markets and Festivals and Triathlons

Benefits of SOS-free eating 

 I think I like the SOS-free restrictions of my WFPB diet because it makes my shopping choices clear cut. My daily diet is consistent each day because it’s easier that way. It makes weight loss more predictable too. 

I can imagine that adding low SOS at this point would only slow me down because I know for a fact that my meals would taste better and I’d risk increasing my appetite. I don’t want that.

New Clothes vs 2nd Hand Clothes

I shopped Amazon today and selected clothes but then decided to put them on my wishlist for now. I’d rather buy lightly worn clothes from secondhand stores because I don’t plan to wear them longer than I need to.

Farm Markets and Festivals 

I’m adding West Michigan farmers markets to my calendar today. I’ve also found a few annual vegetarian food festivals I might attend some day, if convenient.

Triathlon Training 

I also asked ChatGPT to create a newbie schedule for a triathlon training. I’m not interested in participating in a triathlon, but I like the idea of working out a variety of muscles:

Extending the training schedule to 12 months allows for a more gradual build-up of endurance, strength, and skill. This plan will be divided into four phases: Base Building, Endurance Building, Speed and Strength, and Tapering and Race Preparation. Each phase will consist of three months of focused training.

### Phase 1: Base Building (Months 1-3)

Focus on establishing a consistent exercise routine and building a fitness foundation.

#### Month 1:

- **Week 1-4**:

  - **Monday**: Rest

  - **Tuesday**: 20-25 min easy swim

  - **Wednesday**: 20-25 min easy bike ride

  - **Thursday**: Rest

  - **Friday**: 15-20 min walk/run (2 min walk, 1-2 min run)

  - **Saturday**: Rest

  - **Sunday**: 30-35 min walk or easy hike

#### Month 2:

- **Week 5-8**:

  - **Monday**: Rest

  - **Tuesday**: 30-35 min swim

  - **Wednesday**: 30-35 min bike ride

  - **Thursday**: Rest

  - **Friday**: 25-30 min walk/run (2 min walk, 3-4 min run)

  - **Saturday**: Rest

  - **Sunday**: 40-45 min walk or easy hike

#### Month 3:

- **Week 9-12**:

  - **Monday**: Rest

  - **Tuesday**: 40-45 min swim

  - **Wednesday**: 40-45 min bike ride

  - **Thursday**: Rest

  - **Friday**: 35-40 min walk/run (2 min walk, 5-6 min run)

  - **Saturday**: Rest

  - **Sunday**: 50-55 min walk or easy hike

### Phase 2: Endurance Building (Months 4-6)

Gradually increase the distance and duration of workouts.

#### Month 4:

- **Week 13-16**:

  - **Monday**: Rest

  - **Tuesday**: 45-50 min swim

  - **Wednesday**: 45-50 min bike ride

  - **Thursday**: Rest

  - **Friday**: 40-45 min run (2 min walk, 7-8 min run)

  - **Saturday**: Rest

  - **Sunday**: 60 min walk or easy hike

#### Month 5:

- **Week 17-20**:

  - **Monday**: Rest

  - **Tuesday**: 50-55 min swim

  - **Wednesday**: 50-55 min bike ride

  - **Thursday**: Rest

  - **Friday**: 45-50 min run (1 min walk, 9-10 min run)

  - **Saturday**: Rest

  - **Sunday**: 70 min walk or easy hike

#### Month 6:

- **Week 21-24**:

  - **Monday**: Rest

  - **Tuesday**: 55-60 min swim

  - **Wednesday**: 55-60 min bike ride

  - **Thursday**: Rest

  - **Friday**: 50-55 min run (1 min walk, 11-12 min run)

  - **Saturday**: Rest

  - **Sunday**: 80 min walk or easy hike

### Phase 3: Speed and Strength (Months 7-9)

Introduce interval training and strength exercises to improve speed and power.

#### Month 7:

- **Week 25-28**:

  - **Monday**: Rest

  - **Tuesday**: 60 min swim (include 4x100m intervals at a faster pace)

  - **Wednesday**: 60 min bike ride (include 4x5 min intervals at a faster pace)

  - **Thursday**: Rest

  - **Friday**: 60 min run (include 4x5 min intervals at a faster pace)

  - **Saturday**: Rest

  - **Sunday**: 90 min walk or hike

#### Month 8:

- **Week 29-32**:

  - **Monday**: Rest

  - **Tuesday**: 65 min swim (include 5x100m intervals at a faster pace)

  - **Wednesday**: 65 min bike ride (include 5x5 min intervals at a faster pace)

  - **Thursday**: Rest

  - **Friday**: 65 min run (include 5x5 min intervals at a faster pace)

  - **Saturday**: Rest

  - **Sunday**: 100 min walk or hike

#### Month 9:

- **Week 33-36**:

  - **Monday**: Rest

  - **Tuesday**: 70 min swim (include 6x100m intervals at a faster pace)

  - **Wednesday**: 70 min bike ride (include 6x5 min intervals at a faster pace)

  - **Thursday**: Rest

  - **Friday**: 70 min run (include 6x5 min intervals at a faster pace)

  - **Saturday**: Rest

  - **Sunday**: 110 min walk or hike

### Phase 4: Tapering and Race Preparation (Months 10-12)

Focus on tapering the volume while maintaining intensity to prepare for the race.

#### Month 10:

- **Week 37-40**:

  - **Monday**: Rest

  - **Tuesday**: 75 min swim

  - **Wednesday**: 75 min bike ride

  - **Thursday**: Rest

  - **Friday**: 75 min run

  - **Saturday**: Rest

  - **Sunday**: 120 min walk or hike

#### Month 11:

- **Week 41-44**:

  - **Monday**: Rest

  - **Tuesday**: 80 min swim

  - **Wednesday**: 80 min bike ride

  - **Thursday**: Rest

  - **Friday**: 80 min run

  - **Saturday**: Rest

  - **Sunday**: 130 min walk or hike

#### Month 12:

- **Week 45-48**:

  - **Monday**: Rest

  - **Tuesday**: 60 min swim

  - **Wednesday**: 60 min bike ride

  - **Thursday**: Rest

  - **Friday**: 60 min run

  - **Saturday**: Rest

  - **Sunday**: 60 min walk or hike

### Tips and Considerations:

1. **Progressive Overload**: Gradually increase the duration and intensity of your workouts to avoid injury and overtraining.

2. **Cross-Training**: Incorporate other activities like yoga, Pilates, or strength training to improve overall fitness and prevent burnout.

3. **Nutrition**: Focus on a balanced diet with sufficient protein, carbohydrates, and fats to support your training.

4. **Hydration**: Maintain adequate hydration, especially during longer workouts.

5. **Rest and Recovery**: Allow for proper rest and recovery to prevent overuse injuries.

6. **Listen to Your Body**: Adjust the training plan as needed based on how your body feels.

By following this comprehensive 12-month training plan, you’ll be well-prepared to tackle your first triathlon with confidence and endurance.

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