This morning my wife and I both woke up under the weather, feeling pretty groggy and achy all over. Hot coffee only helped a little. Unfortunately, her health was a bit worse off than mine for various reasons. In a hurry to get to work she asked me to do her a big favor and pick up Sudafed from the pharmacy. I said okay, no problem... At the pharmacy the druggist asked me what the Sudafed was for: Me: Uhh, it's for my wife. I think it's for, uh, menstrual cramps. Druggist #2: ( in the background and a bit loudly) No, that's not right! Sudafed is not for menstrual cramps!... Druggist #1: (quietly) No, that wouldn't help with menstrual cramps. Me: Oh, right, uh, what was I thinking. Uh, maybe she wanted it to help her get to sleep. Druggist #2: (interjecting in the background) No, that's not it either! Sudafed would have the opposite effect if anything... Druggist #1: (quietly) No, sorry, Sudafed won't help her get to sleep. It helps relieve conges...