from The Little Rascal's "School's Out" Episode (1930)

A scene from The Little Rascal's "School's Out" episode (1930), when the teacher discovers that her students had been slipped all the wrong answers by a jokester:

Miss Crabtree: Douglas Greer, what was Abraham Lincoln's mother's name?

Douglas Greer: Mrs. Lincoln.

Miss Crabtree: Are you children trying to be funny? Buddy O'Donald, on Paul Revere's night ride, what did he say as he stopped his horse in front of the colonial homes?
Buddy O'Donald: He said, "Whoa!!"
Miss Crabtree: I'm going to be punishing the next child severely who gives me a foolish answer! Farina, what was Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Address?
Farina: Sixteen Forty-Four South Main Street!

(As a teacher I smile because it was true when I was a class clown in school...and it's true now (sigh : )

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