My Fruitive Challenge: Day 154 — Sickening

 I’ve started listening to Sickening by John Abramson, M.D. about Big Pharma’s commitment to profit over quality healthcare. It’s depressing because it’s believable, presumed actually that America’s capitalist driven system of health care has a serious conflict of interest when it comes to keeping their customers healthy as possible. The healthier the patient, the less likely they’ll need to get medical treatment which affects the bottom line.

Becoming a doctor is considered the height of professional achievement in our society for good reason, it takes intelligence, dedication, many years of intense training, finances, and continual practice to become a PhD and achieve the big salary that comes with it. It’s sad to see how the profession has become such a tool to push Big Pharma’s new expensive drugs that to often merely treat the symptoms, or worse, cost lives, i.e., the opioid crisis, the Merck Vioxx scandal….

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