New Soccer Rules

At recess, a group of girls was huddled together on the ground shivering while watching boys play soccer:

Me: Girls, if you're so cold, then why don't you play soccer to warm up!
MS Girls: We don't like soccer!
Me: Then what about playing soc-him!
MS Girls: Yay! Soc-him! How do we play?
Me: I don't know. Let's make it up....

Here are the official soc-him game rules at South Olive Christian School (SOCS):

1) Two mini goal nets are placed two yards apart
2) One or more soccer balls are in play
3) No goalkeepers
4) Scramble at will to kick a soccer ball into either goal net repeatedly until the recess bell rings

The winner is anyone who warms up the best to ward off this chilly autumn afternoon! We had fun 😊

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