
Showing posts from October, 2018

The Essentials

“In essentials, unity. In non-essentials, liberty. In all things, charity.” —St. Augustine

Gaga Ball!

Serious lower back pain this week. Couldn't figure out why: Was it from sitting wrong on my long road trip? Did I pull my back out while sleeping? Do I need a chiropractor or a masseuse?....Oh yeah. Our school where I teach just got a new gaga ball pit. "Come and play with us!" they said. "It'll be fun!" they said. Well, it was fun! And now that I know why my back hurts, I'm feeling better about it. I'm not gonna quit the gaga, haha...

New Soccer Rules

At recess, a group of girls was huddled together on the ground shivering while watching boys play soccer: Me: Girls, if you're so cold, then why don't you play soccer to warm up! MS Girls: We don't like soccer! Me: Then what about playing soc-him! MS Girls: Yay! Soc-him! How do we play? Me: I don't know. Let's make it up.... Here are the official soc-him game rules at South Olive Christian School (SOCS): 1) Two mini goal nets are placed two yards apart 2) One or more soccer balls are in play 3) No goalkeepers 4) Scramble at will to kick a soccer ball into either goal net repeatedly until the recess bell rings The winner is anyone who warms up the best to ward off this chilly autumn afternoon! We had fun 😊

Tacky Jokes

Student: (runs in with panicked laughter and hides behind my chair) She's chasing me with a tack! Me: You mean she's a-tacking you? Student: (deadpan) Haha. That's funny. Me: Dad joke. Nailed it... (Tacky jokes get me through the day.)

Kids' Music These Days

Me: Computer, play kids' music. Alexa: Shuffling songs for Kiss on Amazon music... Me: Computer, stop! (Gene Simmons isn't kid approved in this household!)

DNA Update has updated their data significantly and improved their analysis of my DNA. The results seem more accurate than before based on what family have told me over the years about our origins and our immigration history. Sadly, my two years of thinking that I'm a little bit Irish has come to an end. I am officially retiring my "Part Irish, All Trouble!" T-shirt... But now I find out I'm a little bit French! Oui, oui! Time to break out the croissants and my outrageous French accent!...