My Fruitive Challenge: Day 197 — Who’s in My Foxhole

In Never Finished, Goggins asks “Who’s in your foxhole?” in his chapter called “Evolution No. 6.” He emphasizes the importance of keeping a core group of people in your life who have your best in mind both in words and actions, both to build you up, come along side of you, and make it personal that you reach your goals. It might be best friends and family members or it might not be. “Not all friends and loved ones react that way when you change and become committed to perpetual growth. Some are genuinely offended, and you don’t need or want their voices in your head… When you evolve, your inner circle, must evolve with you” (189-196).

I am most grateful to my wife for telling me the truth last winter about my seriously unhealthy condition and my need to change course immediately. I’m grateful to my brother Gregg and my dad for helping me setup a structure  to be successful in breaking my unhealthy habits. I’m grateful for my longtime friends Nate, Jared, Mike, and Derek. It’s funny how very different we are from each other in almost every way; yet, our patterns of getting together frequently and infrequently over the decades helps me feel connected and grounded in a unpredictably evolving world. 

And I’m surely grateful for every family member and friend and acquaintance who has encouraged me in these past 6 months with positive feedback about my commitment to becoming healthier and the progress they’ve observed!

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