
Showing posts from June, 2015

Thalia's Hammock (photo)


Just Chillin' (photo)


All Nighters

So the newborn has stayed up through her first two nights out of the womb and has cluster-fed (yawn) to expedite the arrival of milk. . . . Milk is here in abundance! Good job, baby! Unfortunately, she cannot be woken...Good thing she's cute : ) Back into the shower and a couple of old episodes of Friends while I pump... --LR

Thalia's Homecoming!


Thalia's Birth Day!

Thalia Faith was born today at 7:29 a.m., 8 lbs, 3 oz., and is healthy, hungry, & feisty! : )

YMCA Workout

My wife pointed out the irony of me circling around the YMCA parking lot looking for a spot nearest the entrance... She's right and I'm embarrassed, But Hooyah! I got the spot ; )

SPAM Classic

My colleague, Mr. B, honored me today with a choice of any one of his classroom cans of SPAM that decorate his bookshelves. A high honor, indeed. So, I took home a can of SPAM Classic and made myself a SPAMwich, which to no surprise, I liked quite a bit less than SPAMaLot (but quite a bit better than email SPAM : )

Special Delivery?!

Laura: "Ooomph...I hope you're ready. It's moving forward. It's happening either today or tomorrow." (Go ahead and place your bets, folks!...)

Rated D Movies

"They need a new rating system that tells how depressing a movie is." —Laura