
Showing posts from 2015

Star Wars Spoiler

Standing in line at the pharmacy: Pharmacist: (to a customer) So what did you think of Star Wars? Customer: It was good but I can't believe they (spoiler!) at the end. Pharmacist: Yeah, they (spoiler!) at the end... (What is wrong with people?! I thought I'd see a spoiler on FB before my own pharmacist would ever betray my trust! Dark times, indeed...)

Thalia's Pet Daddy

*Second Opinion

Me: Thalia, I think we'll skip bath this morning. Thalia: (projectile vomits) (Opinion duly noted. Nice timing, kiddo. This one is going to be a comedian.) --LR

*The Woodchip

Impressions of baby sister at 2 months: Me: What do you think about your baby sister? 4yr: She's great and she's cute. She looks like a chubby hamster, and she looks like a wood chip, too. Me: She looks like a wood chip? 4yr: Yep.  Me: Why does she look like a wood chip? 4yr: Because she's cute like a wood chip. Me: A wood chip? Huh. Oh, like a chipmunk. 4yr: Yeah. --LR

Cluttered Desks

"If a cluttered desk is a sign of a cluttered mind, of what, then, is an empty desk a sign?"  —Lawrence Peters,  Peter's Quotations Mark Twain's Cluttered Desk Albert Einstein's Cluttered Desk Steve Job's Cluttered Desk

Cheeky Baby Noises (video)

The Value of Technology

"It is, no doubt, a great advantage to talk to a man at the Antipodes through a telephone; its advantage depends entirely on the value of what the two men have to say to one another. If one merely shrieks slander through a tube and the other whispers folly into a wire, do not think that anybody is very much benefited by the invention." —Oscar Wilde, from "Art and the Handicraftsman"

Thalia's Hammock (photo)


Just Chillin' (photo)


All Nighters

So the newborn has stayed up through her first two nights out of the womb and has cluster-fed (yawn) to expedite the arrival of milk. . . . Milk is here in abundance! Good job, baby! Unfortunately, she cannot be woken...Good thing she's cute : ) Back into the shower and a couple of old episodes of Friends while I pump... --LR

Thalia's Homecoming!


Thalia's Birth Day!

Thalia Faith was born today at 7:29 a.m., 8 lbs, 3 oz., and is healthy, hungry, & feisty! : )

YMCA Workout

My wife pointed out the irony of me circling around the YMCA parking lot looking for a spot nearest the entrance... She's right and I'm embarrassed, But Hooyah! I got the spot ; )

SPAM Classic

My colleague, Mr. B, honored me today with a choice of any one of his classroom cans of SPAM that decorate his bookshelves. A high honor, indeed. So, I took home a can of SPAM Classic and made myself a SPAMwich, which to no surprise, I liked quite a bit less than SPAMaLot (but quite a bit better than email SPAM : )

Special Delivery?!

Laura: "Ooomph...I hope you're ready. It's moving forward. It's happening either today or tomorrow." (Go ahead and place your bets, folks!...)

Rated D Movies

"They need a new rating system that tells how depressing a movie is." —Laura

Baby Name Update

After months of much research and reflection, we have narrowed the names down to four: 1) Confoundara 2) Giveuppella 3) Nonamemia 4) Whateverletta

The Waiting...

About four more weeks until baby sister arrives : )

New Glasses?

Student: Mr. Rozeboom either got new glasses, or he thickened his eyebrows... (My wife literally rolled on the floor with laughter hearing about this teenager's comment. I didn't think it was that funny. How about just asking, "Did you get new glasses?" Nevertheless, I gave her dark chocolate for being the first one to notice :)

Lil' Kickstarter (Pregnancy Update)

Laura's discovered that our little belly baby kicks hardest when Laura's holding big sister Sophia in her lap. Yes, the sibling rivalry has officially kickstarted...

It's A Girl!


Caution: Hot Coffee

So don't do anything foolish like take a careful sip but then cough suddenly into the sip hole so violently that the lid can't hold back the 360 °  blowout of rich, black Biggby's onto you and whatever beloved property or persons might be in your immediate vicinity. (Note: nothing and no one was harmed in the making of this public service announcement, except for my ego. Thank goodness.)

Time Warped

Student: Is it Thursday or Friday today? Me: I'm so sorry to break it to you, but it's Tuesday. Student: Oh. (It's going to be a long week for that poor boy...)