"Wise as serpents, but no longer innocent as doves..."

Here's an interesting interview on Morning Joe with columnist Matt Lewis about why the GOP is losing young Christians: 
"....For Christians, political involvement has a way of breaking bad. The real danger is that over time, it has a coarsening effect, and that our political ranks and church pews alike will be filled full of Walter Whites who will do anything to achieve their goals. They are wise as serpents, but no longer innocent as doves. For what shall it profit a man if he should win the election, but lose his soul?"

I like his key point that Christians are becoming "conscientious objectors" of politics because they see politics as a corrupt system that infects all who participate: "political involvement, no matter how pure the original motives, is a corrupting force. Christians who attempt to be in this political world, but not of this political world, are constantly faced with ethical conundrums."
Big-hearted youngsters looking to "do unto others" won't find their calling in today's rancorous politics

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