
My Fruitive Challenge: Day 163 — Live to 100: Secrets of the Blue Zones Episode 1

I’m watching Dan Buettner’s beautiful series about the famous Blue Zones around the world where communities have the highest longevity on average in the world. He explores why researchers believe these people outlive the rest of us generation after generation. It’s true that diet and exercise has something to do with it. It’s also true that there are diverse contributing factors for why they live to 100 or more. Here are the key factors presented in episode one of four in the Netflix series: Okinawa, Japan: Medicinal Food / Caloric Density / Hara Hachi Bu / Balance / Moai / Ikigai  Always have fun, be easygoing, forgive quickly Food is medicinal Meat, eggs, fish is less than 1% of their diet Purple Sweet Potatoes that are full of complex carbohydrates, antioxidants  Mulberry leaves Okinawa Tofu lowers heart disease  No single ingredient but the range of nutritionally dense whole foods They eat 2,000 to 2,500 calories per day compared to 3,200 to 4,000 plus for Americans  They can indul

My Fruitive Challenge: Day 161 — Goggins’s Cookie Jar

David Goggins writes about his cookie jar method of motivating himself to get through his challenges. He digs deep into his cookie jar of memories of past challenges big and small that he achieved. He admires each cookie carefully before each bite to savor its flavor.  I could use this method right now!  Our treadmill lubricant came in. Laura applied it last night. I plan to tread on it this week at night to make up for missing steps!

My Fruitive Challenge: Day 160 — Birthday Weight

I’m stuck between 205 and 210 right now. Partly because that’s been my pattern. Also because it was my birthday last week so I’ve eaten a little more than I planned to. My teen made healthy birthday cupcakes for me 🥳. My wife and I ate at Olive Garden. Very little can be eaten there by me. Have you seen their calorie portions?! I settled on a soup and house salad. 

My Fruitive Challenge: Day 159 — Goggins’ 100 miles in 24 Hours Fiasco

 I love how brutally honest David Goggins is in Chapter Six about how stupid it is to presume that because he was a seasoned SEAL he could run an ultra marathon without any training and then fail miserably. As honest as he seems to be with himself, he still has to learn things the hard way just like the rest of us.  I have not kept up with my PT myself for no good reason. I need to look in the mirror tonight and fess up and be real about my intentions and what I’m going to do about it. Until I get back on track, I can say goodbye to meeting my goals! I can’t let that happen!

My Fruitive Challenge: Day 158 — Poisoned: The Dirty Truth About Your Food

  Foods to Avoid with a History of Contamination as documented in the film Ground burger: needs to be cooked at 155 degrees internal temperature; order to temperature—if they can’t then order something else  Chicken (salmonella): 1 in 4 meat products contaminated; the producers tested 29% of their Perdue brands samples were contaminated; salmonella is still legally allowed in most chicken products in the USA Romaine lettuce (E coli): especially bagged Cut Fruit Caramel Apples Tomatoes  Onions Cookie dough Similac  Lucky Charms  JIF Peanut Butter Cake mix Cantaloupe: especially the outside because once the knife cuts through the skin it contaminates the inside of the fruit Sprouts  Bagged lettuce (all the outbreaks involved triple washed and bagged); wash your own single head of lettuce  Raw fish, oysters Any menu item with a disclaimer that says consumption of undercooked meat can expose you to meat 

My Fruitive Challenge: Day 157 — High Intensity Workouts vs Endurance Workouts

 Dara Torres explains the difference between high intensity workouts and endurance workouts In chapter 3 of her book Age is Just a Number . High intensity workouts The goal is to create both more strength and more capacity in the muscles to process lactic acid If too much lactic acid builds up in the muscles, you get a condition called acidosis Acidosis is the main reason sprinters muscles get fatigued after 20 or 30 seconds It’s why longer sprints are harder to recover from A real sprint breaks down your muscles. If you want to improve, after you sprint, you have to let your muscles recover, and build back up. Really high intensity workouts should only be undertaken once or twice a week Within workouts, maximum effort needs to be followed by plenty of rest “Speed is like money. If you don’t spend it wisely, if you just go for broke day after day, you’ll soon find it gone.” Endurance training  Endurance strength is built, slogging through massive numbers of meters day after day Olympic

My Fruitive Challenge: Day 156 — Birthday Boy

 Today is my birthday! 52 years old. I feel my age I think because of my diet; plus, I woke up with a stuffy nose. The girls were very sweet to sing happy birthday to me this morning. I explained to them on the way to school that we wouldn’t have a birthday party today because of our busy schedule; However, Sunday afternoon, we would celebrate by going to the movie theater to watch a 3-D movie of The Wild Robot as a family. They like that idea. I treated myself today by playing disc golf at Paw Paw Park. It’s been a month since I’ve played. I could tell I had gotten rusty. My Udisc app tracked my steps at 6,744, 3.1 miles, and 2 floors of elevation. My steps for the day are 12,097. Not bad at all! I remembered that I could get a birthday discount off a drink at Biggby. I downloaded the app. The Barista showed me how to use it to get my coffee for free. I ordered a 12 oz Fortaleza with Coconut milk and I added a raw sugar and a Stevia packet. Delicious! No Cake and ice cream for this b

My Fruitive Challenge: Day 155 — Anaerobic and Aerobic

 In Age is Just a Number , Dara Torres explains that there’s a difference between trading to sprint and sprinting, not to be confused. Sprinting as large heat anaerobic exercise, which requires too much energy and too short a time for the oxygen in the bloodstream to keep up. When that happens, your body has to burn the carbohydrates in your muscles. This releases lactic acid and causes your muscles to hurt. In contrast, aerobic exercise exercises are lower intensity, exercise exercises, like jogging, cycling, and endurance swimming. You get most of the energy you need by burning the oxygen in your blood. Short races are primarily anaerobic while longer races are primarily aerobic. (pp 62-63) Very good to be reminded about this.

My Fruitive Challenge: Day 154 — Sickening

 I’ve started listening to Sickening by John Abramson, M.D. about Big Pharma’s commitment to profit over quality healthcare. It’s depressing because it’s believable, presumed actually that America’s capitalist driven system of health care has a serious conflict of interest when it comes to keeping their customers healthy as possible. The healthier the patient, the less likely they’ll need to get medical treatment which affects the bottom line. Becoming a doctor is considered the height of professional achievement in our society for good reason, it takes intelligence, dedication, many years of intense training, finances, and continual practice to become a PhD and achieve the big salary that comes with it. It’s sad to see how the profession has become such a tool to push Big Pharma’s new expensive drugs that to often merely treat the symptoms, or worse, cost lives, i.e., the opioid crisis, the Merck Vioxx scandal….

My Fruitive Challenge: Day 153— Taking Souls and Hell Week Secure!

 I continue to be amazed by Goggins’ story of overcoming a traumatic childhood, poor academics, poverty, and obesity to fulfill his dream of becoming a Navy SEAL. It seems that at least in his case, he had the fortitude to turn his life of trauma into a power source to help him not only survive hell week, but also to do it triumphantly. The physical injuries and sheer torture of surviving, freezing cold ocean waters and brutal overwhelming feats of strength and endurance boggles my mind. Strangely enough, his stories are giving me serious incentive to pick up my pace with my own physical training and weight loss regimen; More importantly, I need to zero in on the various other weak areas of my life. To make  plan and achieve it! I did intense tread mill walking last night. My intent was to work out for at least an hour, but at about 44 minutes in, the digital screen warned me that I needed lubricant for the treadmill. I had walked intensely and achieved 2.7 miles distance, which is a b