
Showing posts from March, 2019

Spilled Milk

Over the past 8 years, I guesstimate that we have lost 20% of our milk from almost daily accidental spills, including my own...I'm scared to calculate that cost in dollars...sigh.

Are You Ready to Rumble!

I load my girls into the car, pack in my purchases, then get into the driver's seat: 3yr: Daddy, are you ready to rumble? Me: Uh, rumble? Yeah. Where did you hear that? (I'm thinking from little boys at daycare or from her male cousins) 7yr: Mommy says it. Me: Mommy says it? 3yr/7yr: Are you ready to rumble!... I asked Laura about it.  It's what she says when she gets in the car to drive them to school, haha! Me: WWF? Laura: It's a part of the cultural vernacular!... 😅


A student made me laugh today.  He told me that he once wrote he wanted to be an executioner.  He meant to spell excavator.  Yep. Spelling counts, haha...

Would You Like These Cookies?

Student: Would you like these cookies? Me: Sure!... Hey, uh, these cookies are stale! Student: I know. Me: 😮 Note to self: Don't accept cookies from boys wearing impish grins.

Scary Hard

3yr: Daddy, I'm scared! Me: Why are you scared? 3yr: I'm scared of Freya! Me: Why? She's sleeping in her crib. She can't get you. Go back to bed! 3yr: But I'm scared! Me: Why are you scared? 3yr: Umm....uhh, air, I'm scared of the air!... (Child, there are many things in this world that you and I should be terrified of, truly, indisputably, utterly scared to death of. Please hear me when I say that a sleeping baby sister and the fresh air you breathe are not one of those scary things!...) Me: It's okay, honey. Turn on the closet light, so it's not so scary. Go back to bed. 3yr: Okay. (Parenting at 6 a.m. on a Saturday morning is scary hard, so-so-scary hard to do without losing one's cool.)

An Icy Incident

A truck and trailer pulled into my lane on an icy road. I braked hard and lost control. I thought for sure I'd ram into him but my car veered into the oncoming traffic lane instead. I'm thankful that traffic was clear in that moment, and I could stop just short of a snowbank in a residential street, catch my breath, then drive home safely to give all my girls extra hugs and kisses.  Let's live another day!  Spring is coming!

Family Needs

3yr: We need a baby that doesn't cry! Laura: We need a toddler that doesn't whine. 3yr: Hahaha...

"Your organization is perfectly designed for..."

"Your organization is perfectly designed for producing the results you're experiencing right now." (qtd in Francis Chan's Letters to the Church ) Ouch.

Logical Fallacy Love

Me: I love talking about logical fallacies and learning how to catch flaws in people's arguments. It's so interesting. Student: I love hamburgers.