
Showing posts from November, 2018

Brought to you by the letter P

Laura: When are you leaving for work? Me: A.S.A.P. 3yr: Daddy! You said pee! That's not appropriate. Me: What? Oh, I said A.S.A.P. as in "as soon as possible." 3yr: (shaking her head slowly in disappointment at her daddy's potty mouth) You said pee... (I can't wait to turn the tables on her the next time she sings the alphabet song.)

A Boring Dream!

My three-year-old approached me early this morning in a bad mood. 3yr: I had a boring dream! Me: A boring dream? 3yr: It was so boring! Me: What did you dream about? 3yr: I don't know! Me: You don't remember?... She then proceeded to rehash each dull moment of her tediously boring dream. It was indeed dreadfully boring to the point of me insisting that she stop telling me about her boring dream. 

So Precious!

The baby screams. Laura: Did you just take that toy from Freya? 3yr: But it's mine. It's precious! Laura: You don't take things from the baby. 3yr: (cradling the plastic orange slice closely to her cheek) So precious!... Me: Precious? Where did she get that from? I didn't read The Hobbit with her. Laura: Sophia? 7yr: No...Wait, yes. I say that about food. All the time. Like "I love my precious food" and "This food is so precious!" Me: Yeah, that makes more sense.

Early Morning Hershey

Early this first Daylight Savings morning, Sophia sidles up to me and whispers... Sophia: Daddy, I'm feeling really cranky this morning. Can I have some chocolate from my basket? Mommy usually lets me have chocolate on the way to school in the mornings. It helps me to wake up better. Can I? Me: Yes. Sophia: Thank you, Daddy! Thalia: Daddy, I'm feeling cranky too... (I suppose I shouldn't let them have chocolate for breakfast first thing, but watching Sophia tenderly share a Hershey's Chocolate Bar with her 3-year-old sister is the sweetest thing I've seen all day ; )

Chocolate Dipped Paleta de Plátano

After a good but long day, Laura and I put the little ones to bed, then I chose to relax alone on the sofa to enjoy a chocolate-dipped paleta de plátano: 7yr: Oh! May I have one! Me: Ask your mom. 7yr: She'll just say no because it's bedtime! Ugh! No fair! You get to have one and I don't! I thought you were on a diet? You had a KitKat today already in the car! And you had a cookie! Aren't you on a diet because you need to lose some weight? I think you need to go on a diet. No fair!... Sigh...Serves me right for not waiting an extra hour for her to get to bed. If I could just turn back time, haha. Happy Daylight Savings!