
Showing posts from July, 2018

Working Out

While I was bench pressing at the Y, I was admiring a fit, elderly man who was working out across from me. It would be great to look that great when I reached his age. I switched to his machine after he left and had a look at how much he was lifting: What! Way more than what I do! Yep, I've got a ways to go... I felt a little discouraged until a moment later a sweet lady sat at the machine where I had been working out and exclaimed aloud in disbelief how much weight I had been pressing. Haha...

Duck, Duck, Duck

Freya, my 1-year-old, and I are reading a picture book called  My Little People Farm : Me: What animal is this? Freya: Duck! Me: Wow! Yes! A duck! Quack, quack. Freya: Duck! Me: (I point to a dog) What animal is this? Freya: Duck! Laura: Pretty much every object is a duck. Me: Oh. Freya: Duck!...