
Showing posts from December, 2012

"Press Green Button"

As I waited to drop off a library video, the young man in front of me struggled to figure out the library's new dropbox. He eventually got out of his car to confront it head on. No luck. I tried to get his attention before he pulled out of line: "PUSH THE GREEN BUTTON!" No luck. He got back in his SUV and drove up to the main entrance to hand deliver it inside. Sad really : (

from Jerry Seinfeld’s Comedians In Cars Having Coffee series

Jerry Seinfeld: . . . Do you think that’s how life ends, that you really just go, “That’s enough. I had enough.” I know that when my time comes, that’s how I’m gonna feel. I already feel that way. Colin Quinn: Ha ha. Jerry Seinfeld: That’s what kids does for you. Colin Quinn: Keep you around? Jerry Seinfeld: . . . Tell me, aside from that, what isn’t just completely, brain-numbingly repetitive? Colin Quinn: Everyone says "Downtown" Abbey’s pretty good....

Norman Rockwell in the Digital Age

My mom called our iPad on Skype the other day from her Mac because she couldn't get through to my dad's iPhone 5. I said just a moment and called my dad with my Droid Razr and held it up to my iPad's camera so that they could chat. After a few moments I asked if they needed some privacy : ) This kind of behavior could lead to a whole new way of family networking. Think of the possibilities for family gatherings. Christmas with just our iPads and smart phones gathered around the dining room table....Norman Rockwell, eat your heart out!...