
Showing posts from November, 2012

Dietrich Bonhoeffer Quote: "If you board the wrong train..."

"If you board the wrong is no use running along the corridor in the opposite direction." —Dietrich Bonhoeffer (His response to the German Church becoming too friendly with Hitler's regime.)

38 Page Report

I just submitted a 38-page report for my EDR 613 brain is fried : p ....Time for a break, then papers to grade : 0 (Well, my teacher gave my paper 200/200 with glowing remarks! I think I'll celebrate...snore...zzzz....)

Eric Metaxes's 2012 National Prayer Breakfast

Superb speech! Effectively funny and serious for the occasion. I like his definition of what prayer is not (starting @3:00): “'Oh, wouldst Thou, O Sovereign of the universe, take this archaic verbiage as evidence that we believe that Thou art an old fashioned, unpleasant, and easily annoyed and cranky deity, and that to get Thy magnificent attention and so as not to annoy Thee, we must needs employ wooden and archaic and religious sounding language.’ That my friends is not prayer. That is, to use the current terminology, a lot of pious bologna. . . . Imagine talking to Jesus that way. He’d almost laugh at you." Eric Metaxas 2012 National Prayer Breakfast