
Showing posts from 2012

"Press Green Button"

As I waited to drop off a library video, the young man in front of me struggled to figure out the library's new dropbox. He eventually got out of his car to confront it head on. No luck. I tried to get his attention before he pulled out of line: "PUSH THE GREEN BUTTON!" No luck. He got back in his SUV and drove up to the main entrance to hand deliver it inside. Sad really : (

from Jerry Seinfeld’s Comedians In Cars Having Coffee series

Jerry Seinfeld: . . . Do you think that’s how life ends, that you really just go, “That’s enough. I had enough.” I know that when my time comes, that’s how I’m gonna feel. I already feel that way. Colin Quinn: Ha ha. Jerry Seinfeld: That’s what kids does for you. Colin Quinn: Keep you around? Jerry Seinfeld: . . . Tell me, aside from that, what isn’t just completely, brain-numbingly repetitive? Colin Quinn: Everyone says "Downtown" Abbey’s pretty good....

Norman Rockwell in the Digital Age

My mom called our iPad on Skype the other day from her Mac because she couldn't get through to my dad's iPhone 5. I said just a moment and called my dad with my Droid Razr and held it up to my iPad's camera so that they could chat. After a few moments I asked if they needed some privacy : ) This kind of behavior could lead to a whole new way of family networking. Think of the possibilities for family gatherings. Christmas with just our iPads and smart phones gathered around the dining room table....Norman Rockwell, eat your heart out!...

Dietrich Bonhoeffer Quote: "If you board the wrong train..."

"If you board the wrong is no use running along the corridor in the opposite direction." —Dietrich Bonhoeffer (His response to the German Church becoming too friendly with Hitler's regime.)

38 Page Report

I just submitted a 38-page report for my EDR 613 brain is fried : p ....Time for a break, then papers to grade : 0 (Well, my teacher gave my paper 200/200 with glowing remarks! I think I'll celebrate...snore...zzzz....)

Eric Metaxes's 2012 National Prayer Breakfast

Superb speech! Effectively funny and serious for the occasion. I like his definition of what prayer is not (starting @3:00): “'Oh, wouldst Thou, O Sovereign of the universe, take this archaic verbiage as evidence that we believe that Thou art an old fashioned, unpleasant, and easily annoyed and cranky deity, and that to get Thy magnificent attention and so as not to annoy Thee, we must needs employ wooden and archaic and religious sounding language.’ That my friends is not prayer. That is, to use the current terminology, a lot of pious bologna. . . . Imagine talking to Jesus that way. He’d almost laugh at you." Eric Metaxas 2012 National Prayer Breakfast


40 has been my friend for years (I've been rounding up ; )...Happy birthday to me!

from Tim Keller's The Reason for God: "If our highest goal in life is the good of our family..."

“If our highest goal in life is the good of our family, then...we will tend to care less for other families. If our highest goal is the good of our nation, tribe, or race, then we will tend to be racist or nationalistic. If our ultimate goal in life is our own individual happiness, then we will put our own economic and power interests ahead of those of others....[O]nly if God is our summum bonum, our ultimate good and life center, will we find our heart drawn out not only to people of all families, races, and classes, but to the whole world in general.” —Tim Keller in The Reason for God, summarizing Jonathan Edwards’s The Nature of True Virtue, a treatise on social ethics (175).

from Tim Keller's The Reason for God: "When a Russian cosmonaut returned from space..."

"When a Russian cosmonaut returned from space and reported that he had not found God, C. S. Lewis responded that this was like Hamlet going into the attic of his castle looking for Shakespeare...." —Tim Keller, The Reason for God (126)

from Michael Crichton's Eaters of the Dead (1976): "the history of science is strewn with the ruins..."

"....The physicist Gerhard Robbins observes that strictly speaking no hypothesis or theory can ever be proven. It can only be disproven. When we say we believe a theory, what we really mean is that we are unable to show that the theory is wrong, not that we are able to show beyond doubt that the theory is right. A scientific theory may stand for years, even centuries, and it may accumulate hundreds of bits of corroborating evidence to support it. If a theory is always vulnerable and a single conflicting finding is all that is required to throw the hypothesis into disarray and call for a new theory, one can never know when such conflicting evidence will arise. Perhaps it will happen tomorrow, perhaps never, but the history of science is strewn with the ruins of mighty edifices toppled by an accident or a triviality...."

from Tim Keller's The Reason for God: "Scientists are very reluctant to ever say that a theory is 'proved'..."

"Scientists are very reluctant to ever say that a theory is 'proved.' Even Richard Dawkins admits that Darwin's theory cannot be finally proven, that 'new facts may come to light which will force are successors ... to abandon Darwinism or modify it beyond recognition.' But that doesn't mean that science cannot test theories and find some far more empirically verifiable than others...." —Tim Keller, The Reason for God (125).

Quote from Ellen Airgood

"What she thinks about you is none of your business!" —Ellen Airgood

Laura's published article about ESL Students

Yay! Laura published a back to school article in the Families First Monthly, Aug/Sept 2012: "English As A Second Language Students Go Back To School" (page 6) Families First Aug/Sept 2012

from The Internet Monk, Michael Spencer: "the argument from beauty..."

"...the argument from beauty or truth or morality is a lot better when we are dealing with it conversationally than when we are having out some debate with it. Frankly, often our behavior when we're arguing points argues against some of the best things we have going for us as Christian apologists, that is the power of beauty, the power of truth, the power of love, the power of reconciliation." —Michael Spencer

RIP (Rip in Pants!)

I was very pleased that my favorite jeans fit me well today until my wife observed the big rip: "Did you go out this way?" "Yes." (Cue embarrassed wife.) .... R.I.P. my favorite pants

Quote by Jeff Grenell: "Some people value beliefs above relationship..."

"Some people value beliefs above relationship and in so doing lose the truth of love. Some people value relationship above beliefs and in so doing lose the love of truth. It is far more important for us to value belief and relationship. In doing so we will have both truth and love. The two cannot be separated. I hold strongly to my Christian faith. But, I hold as strongly to the people in my life that God has called me to love." — Jeff Grenell  

How to make a million dollars...

"Do you know how to make a million dollars playing jazz, by the way? Start with three million." —Herb Alpert, A&M Records founder ( I could think of a number of other professions that resemble this joke : p)

The Journey of a Stolen Quotation

The Journey of a Stolen Quotation: 1. As [name of source] once said.... 2. As someone once said.... 3. As I once said.... 4. As I always say.... (I heard a pastor say this in a sermon years ago, but I forgot who and when...)

from Lynne Truss's Eats, Shoots & Leaves (p.10)

Every Lady in this Land Hath 20 Nails on each Hand; Five & Twenty on Hands and Feet; And this is true, without deceit. (Every lady in this land has twenty nails. On each hand, five; and twenty on hands and feet.)

Abraham Maslow Quotation: "If the only tool you have..."

"If the only tool you have is a hammer, you tend to see every problem as a nail." —Abraham Maslow